What is it about?

I like to discover new technologies and usually code a lot beside my daily job. Here's the list of my current skills, and the ones I've acquired but don't really use anymore. The years of experience are estimates of their full-time jobs experience equivalent.

❤️ indicates my current favorites.

Skill Sets

    Architecture 4+ years experience
  1. Led the monolithic to microservice shift of a company at scale
  2. Introduced and created several application layers for company-wide technologies (Kafka, gRPC)
  3. Orchestrated tenth of architectural projects and helped implementing them (e.g. RBAC, AUTH)
  4. Wrote extensively on architectural strategies, internally and publicly
    Golang ❤️ 1+ year experience
  1. Experience with Kafka and gRPC with Golang
  2. Experience with GQLGen
  3. Experience with GORM
    Ruby on Rails stack 8+ years experience
  1. Large experience with Rails Engines, Gems creation ❤️
  2. Experience with RSpec, Capybara, FactoryBot
  3. Experience with Capistrano
  4. Good with HAML / ERB but prefer to avoid SSR
    NodeJS stack 2+ years experience
  1. Experience with ExpressJS, SailsJS, Meteor / Iron and Ionic
  2. GraphQL with Apollo ❤️ and Relay
  3. Managed SocketIO on several projects
  4. Experience with Cordova
    JavaScript 12+ years experience
  1. Experience in VueJS (and NuxtJS/Vite)
  2. Experience in React ❤️ (and Gatsby/Vite)
  3. In favor of TypeScript for team work
    Elixir 2+ years experience
  1. Experience with Phoenix
  2. Work with Absinthe ❤️
    CSS 12+ years experience
  1. Versed in SASS / SCSS
  2. Experience in various grid systems (Flexboxgrid, Gridle, Bootstrap)
  3. Enthousiast of BEM via Inverted Triangle CSS
    HTML / XML 12+ years experience
    Databases 12+ years experience
  1. Experience with CockroachDB ❤️ as distributed database
  2. Large experience with PostgreSQL ❤️ and MySQL
  3. Experience with MongoDB mostly through Mongoose and Mongoid
  4. Large experience with Redis
  5. Extensively use ActiveRecord and other ORMs
    API construction 7+ years experience
  1. Experience with gRPC ❤️
  2. Experience with GraphQL
  3. Large experience in RESTful API architecture / construction
  4. Made several SPAs
  5. Managed external APIs structure protected via keys / tokens (JWT ❤️, OAuth, ...)
  6. Managed internal APIs and secured webhook communications
    Git version control 8+ years experience
    Payment Gateways 8+ years experience
  1. Various experiences with Stripe payment ❤️ (3+ years)
  2. Marketplace architecture with Wirecard, Alipay, WechatPay, ChinaUnionPay (2+ years)
    Infrastructure & Monitoring 6+ years experience
  1. Experience with AWS (CloudWatch, RDS, ECS/EC2, Lambda)
  2. Experience with Datadog ❤️ and Sentry
  3. Experience with Apache and NGinx
  4. Experience with Dokku / Docker and Kubernetes
  5. Experience with SSLs certificates and advanced domains management
  6. CLI / SSH control, management of Linux / Unix based servers without problem
    Product design 2+ years experience
  1. Experience with Figma ❤️
  2. Experience with Sketch
  3. Experience with Photoshop
  4. I've designed several mobile/web apps from start to finish
  1. Experience with Sidekiq and many more job scheduler technologies
  2. Experience with Webpack
  3. Experience with stress tests stacks such as FloodIO and Artillery

Skills graveyard

    Laravel stack 4+ years experience
  1. Experience with Laravel 4.2 and Laravel 5
  2. Good with Blade
  3. Used several PHP frameworks prior to Laravel such as CodeIgniter, PhalconPHP, SlimFramework (10+ years experience)
    Flash stack 6+ years experience
  1. Experience with ActionScript 1, 2 and 3
  2. Experience with XMLSocket and networking through Flash
  3. Experience with video games programming / algorithms
  1. Large experience in using jQuery
  2. Versed in using EmberJS and GothamJS
  3. Versed in CoffeeScript
  1. Versed in LESS
  2. Experience with CSStyle
  3. Experience with Brunch